Sep 7, 2008


Don't Laugh They're Special

In fairness para xang durian hahahaha...

What in the Sam hill is going on here?!? Is that supposed to be Barbie's skirt? Because it looks like some massive icing eruption, with her shooting out of the top like a human cannon ball.

The Way Apologies Should Be Made

Some Cakes Need No Commentary

Tama ba to? magiging masaya kaba o hindi nalang?...

Really, these have got to be the least phallic looking phalli I've ever seen - so if your kids ask, they're little rocket ships, mkay? Just ignore that little sign. Check out the sweet display setup, too: that yellow plastic bucket is totally selling 'em. And what do you suppose that crumbly bread-ish looking thing is next to it? Wait, scratch that; I don't want to know.

Lost In Translation?!

Kadiri kakainin mo ba to??...

This was made for the 10th anniversary of P Diddy's record label Bad Boys. Given the caliber of that lil' homeboy elephant-baby on top, though, I could have sworn it was for a baby shower.

Why Are The Children Sreaming

"I don't get it - we just brought out the cakes, and poof! Mass hysteria!"

Looking on the bright side?

this is harsh!

The Name' Wreck...

This cake may technically be a wreck, but it's a freakin' sweet wreck. And get this: it's a wedding cake.

Harsh reality, sweet messenger.

Kermit? or Watermelon??

The store selling these cakes (oh yes, there are more!) claims that they are watermelons.


Obviously someone needed to rein in this woman during the wedding planning. What kind of ego does it require to commission a life-sized replica of yourself in cake? But what really baffles me is this: the details are exact right down to the hair clip, so what the heck is UP with that tacky red rick-rack down the skirt of the cake? "Sure, we hand-painted a matching bodice-design, copied the make-up and hairstyle, and have identical veils - but then we thought this giant rick-rack would add just the right extra touch!" ?!?
