Sep 8, 2008

7 Secrets About Men You Will be Surprised to Know

1.) Men fall in lust 10 times a day!

Where they are married, single or in a relationship men look and admire beauty. They just cannot ignore that beautiful lady who just walked by even in the presence of their girlfriends. But this does not mean they are unfaithful. Yes, men do think about and lust for women that they look at even when they have a girlfriend or wife, but this does not mean that there is any threat to the current relationship. This is just a man habit they just cannot give up even if they wanted to.

2.) Men love their freedom and crave for it:

Ever heard your boyfriend say he is going out of town or that he will not be able to go out with you as he has an important golf game coming up? This is just an excuse. The real reason is that men just want to get away from it all and experience freedom from a relationship. But this again is a temporary phase. Once they have experience the fill of it, they will come running back to you. The best you can do is give your man some freedom. Allow him to get away from it all for sometime, and then see how the love flourishes between the both of you.

3.) Men have fear of commitment:

We love to get married to the person we love but the fact of the matter is that on the back of our minds there is always a fear of commitment. Men face fear of commitment in their younger years when their minds are obsessed with the thought of being in the company of as many women as they possibly can before they settle down. This fear plays in their minds coming on and off at many occasions. This is something which most men face, especially those who have not had relationship with many women in their teenage years.

4.) Men want to feel important and money helps them get the feel:

This is one reason any man would simply hate the feeling that his wife is earning more than him. There is no offence intended in this behavior as this is just something which the society has imposed on us. The society expects the man to be the supporter of the family and this is directly achieved by money. The male ego gets the biggest blow when they feel they are not able to earn enough to keep their female partners happy.

5.) Men want their girlfriends to be girlfriends and not a nanny:

Mother us and we will love the feeling but start behaving like one and we would want to get away from you. Men like some moments of peace when they love to lay their heads in your lap with you caressing away their hair. But men hate it when their girls start imposing rules or start arguing about what needs to be done. Yes this sounds unfair but this is what the fact is

6.) Men are afraid of woman drivers:

Most men hate to admit it but we are all afraid of woman drivers. The fear in the back of our minds is that you might loose control any moment and bump into something while driving or parking. This is one reason any man would think twice before giving a woman the keys to his car.

7.) Men nod but they are not listening:

There are many instances when men listen to women just because they do not want to anger them or disappoint them. They nod their heads and pretend to understand and agree to everything you say when in reality nothing is actually going into their heads