Sep 8, 2008

66 Things that Can Turn Off Your Man

1.) Speaking ill of his parents

2.) Refusing to kiss him just because you don't want your lipstick smeared

3.) Refusing sex (no offense intended)

4.) Complaining about his friends

5.) Pretending to like things just because he does

5.) Worrying too much about your appearance. Don't keep asking your man how you look and if you need more make-up

6.) Talking about your past relationships. Guys have no interest in your ex-boyfriends and how they ditched you or broke your heart

7.) Talking about your relatives. Men could care less about how good a software programmer your cousin is or how he helped you fix your computer

8.) Being Overly Stubborn. Constant argument is a major turn-off

9.) Not caring about his money. A man who earns money knows how hard it is. So not caring for his money is like not recognizing the amount of hard work he has put into earning it

10.) Too much messaging or talking over mobile phone with others in presence of boyfriend

11.) Too many questions on why a guy does what he does

12.) Offering too much personal advice. Guys get turned off instantly by when you become their nanny

13.) Obessing Over Cleanliness. Being a cleanliness freak is ok unless you go to a guys room and start complaining about the mess

14.) Always expecting the guy to call: Guys don't mind calling their girls but they do feel that the girl should return the favor too at times. Call a guy and don't just send a missed call

15.) Feministic Attitude. Men simply hate women with a feministic attitude

16.) Obsessing over timeliness. Guys do get late at times but constant nagging about being late is a major turn-off

17.) Refusing to wash his undergarments (no offense intended)

18.) Asking your man to work around the house (no offense intended)

19.) Drinking too much and losing control.

20.) Trying to make a man jealous. Women who try to make them feel jealous are a major turn off to any man

21.) Constant nagging about getting married and having children. Men want to enjoy a relationship to the fullest before getting settled. So nagging about marriage and children is a turn off

22.) Too much talk about having children, their names etc.

23.) Refusing to drink out of the same glass.

24.) Being unresponsive in bed

25.) Giving instructions on how to make love. Most men cannot stand women who instruct a man on how to make love to them

26.) Talking about how your parents will not approve this relationship

27.) Playing Victim. Men get turned off by women who talk negative about how she is being victimized by everyone around her

28.) Being Needy, Insecure and Clingy

29.) Staring and talking too much with other guys when having their boyfriend along

30.) Constant Smoking. Men get turned off by women who are chain smokers or have a smoking addiction

31.) Acting Dumb. Dumb women are certainly a turn off to any man

32.) Career oriented. Men are afraid to commit to women who are career oriented

33.) Not making eye contact during a conversation

34.) Afraid of parents. Telling your boyfriend how strict your parents are

35.) Afraid of brother

36.) Keeps talking about her brother. Your boyfriend is not the least interested in listening to how your brother takes care of you or how successful he is

37.) Hairy armpits, hands and legs. Most men get turned off by hair arms and legs

38.) Flirting with other men

39.) Using bad language

40.) Having bad manners. Farting or burping out loud is a major turn off

41.) Making him hold your hand bag

42.) Dragging a man to go shopping

43.) Suggesting eyebrow waxing. Suggest a man to wax his eyebrows or do a manicure and he might not speak to you ever again.

44.) Food Obsession. Men get turned off by women who are obsessed with food

45.) Wearing ugly underwear

46.) Not knowing how to cook. Women who cannot cook are a major turn off to most men

47.) Constant talking about health problems to gain sympathy

48.) Not taking care of yourself. Women who don't shave often, don't fix hair, wear ugly or old panties, have bad breath, chipped fingernail polish are a major turn off

49.) Women who talk too much in bed

50.) Women who fake it in bed

51.) Women who never initiate sex

52.) Blaming a man of being obsessed with sex. Most men are obsessed with sex and they hate frigid women who think sex is bad or should be restricted to a certain number of times

53.) Crying at every other instant

54.) Speaking with an accent. Men like women who speak with a natural accent and not a learnt or fake one

55.) Wearing too much make-up

56.) Wearing too much jewellery

57.) Show off/Attention Seeker. Wear skimpy clothes and men will love to ogle at you but not your boyfriend. For him this is a major turnoff

58.) Nagging when a man is at work

59.) Too Inquisitive

60.) Tomboyish Attitude

61.) Discussing girly stuff. There is demarcation between the stuff you can discuss with your girlfriends and your boyfriend.

62.) Having a materialistic attitude. Men get turned off by girls having a materialistic attitude

63.) No self respect

64.) Discussing the relationship with other friends. Discussing your relationship with your girlfriends is fine as long as your don't reveal your boyfriend's secrets.

65.) Too much gossip. Girls who are too much into gossip are a turn off to most men

66.) No sense of humor